Thursday, November 03, 2005

New Music - White Lies

Like this one lyrically...just need to make bass crisper when all other instruments drop out...

Everything that goes on
dirty streets, dirty mind
all the world

Show and tell
gather round kids
With everything that goes on
You cannot make an amends you fool

Red lines, white lies
fall apart, cause payback's a bitch
everybody's got it so hard
everybody's got it so hard
no true release

Wide grinned steel mouth
upper crust ape and lusting for 21
Wheat pasted posters, graffiti connoiseurs
the artistic flakes and their t-shirts for their cause
but their cause is their own applause
the talk and the show

Forget your kind, I'm going to blind
the five notes are fine so fuck off and die
Do I have the right to live off these golden delights
when I'm one of the people I write

Red lines, white lies
fall apart, cause payback is a bitch
everybody's got it so hard
everybody's got it so hard

everything that goes on
dirty street, dirty mind
all the world..


Blogger Gary said...

Hi. I've drifted by this site and listened to one of your songs. And then another. And then all of them - twice. They are really pretty damn good!

It's really nice to find stuff that is actually good amongst the wasteland that is the blogsphere. However, I note that your last posting was a while ago - I hope that this doesn't mean you've quit!

3:31 AM  

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