Thursday, November 03, 2005

New Music - White Lies

Like this one lyrically...just need to make bass crisper when all other instruments drop out...

Everything that goes on
dirty streets, dirty mind
all the world

Show and tell
gather round kids
With everything that goes on
You cannot make an amends you fool

Red lines, white lies
fall apart, cause payback's a bitch
everybody's got it so hard
everybody's got it so hard
no true release

Wide grinned steel mouth
upper crust ape and lusting for 21
Wheat pasted posters, graffiti connoiseurs
the artistic flakes and their t-shirts for their cause
but their cause is their own applause
the talk and the show

Forget your kind, I'm going to blind
the five notes are fine so fuck off and die
Do I have the right to live off these golden delights
when I'm one of the people I write

Red lines, white lies
fall apart, cause payback is a bitch
everybody's got it so hard
everybody's got it so hard

everything that goes on
dirty street, dirty mind
all the world..

Monday, October 31, 2005

New Music - Last Blink of the Eye

New Music - Last Blink of The Eyeanother rough one, a drummer and a good producer could do wonders...

You're holding out and I said how long
You said, just a little bit, just a little bit more

You're holding out and I said how long
You said, just a little bit, just a little bit more

It's the best thing I ever done, set a fire and not run
Have you ever wanted to die to see all those
who might flash before your eyes

the cockney accent band aid, good god not him
the upper east side wretch, good god not her
the sicilian, the quiet canadian, the cowboy
who was bred on 70 below, who was bred on 70 below

You're riding on that ticket to nowhere
where you will be going nowhere fast
as the fire keeps burning, just laugh,
laugh, laugh

the flames are licking at my feet
thank god I whiskeyed up for this
still staring at the crimson sky with
a cigarette in my mouth and plenty of time

You're riding on that ticket to nowhere
where you will be going nowhere fast
as the fire keeps burning just laugh,
laugh, laugh

You're riding on that ticket to nowhere
where you will be going nowhere fast
as the fire keeps burning just laugh,
laugh, laugh

It's the best thing I ever done
start a fire and not run

It's the best thing I ever done
start a fire and not run

Wednesday, October 26, 2005

New Music - Wash over my Soul

Here's my first new one in a while. There are fifteen new songs that I will be putting on here one at a time every few days. Finally, steering away from singer-songwriter stuff, which I am having fun with. All the songs posted are not complete by any means, will be re-mixed and perhaps things added and taken away, new live drums to the songs, rather than electronic ones, etc. This is just to give you an idea...

They're all waiting in a holding pattern
waiting for that one entrance that matter, that matters
will you wash over my soul dear

another country singer, singing his country songs
something about the family
something about his history of abusing women
that's alright, cause he's

just got a little social malfunction,
he's just a little maladjusted in his tweeds and his cowboy hat

another punk rocker singing anarchy and denial,
something about his anarchy, something about his history
of losing interest in the world

and the darklands are coming through your heart
your falling to pieces honey
and the darklands attacking, and the chemicals subtracting you
it's time to battle back, against your transient attacks
it's time to battle back

Being muslim

As a non-religious, secular soul I have always looked for four things in a religion, one is comfort, the second make it as unintelligible as possible, third make it fast and fourth if I’ve gone to the trouble of showing up at a mosque, synagogue, church, hippie commune, schoolboard meeting or really any place that involves large groups of people I don’t have time for the middle man


(1) Carpeted floors, most other religions got it wrong when they decided civilizing your society meant introducing painful wooden benches to pray on. Maybe the Puritans were onto something with no pain, no gain, but this certainly is not the time to prove the point. Doesn’t exactly encourage the best discussion with God, if your thinking, fuck this hurts. Does anyone know who began and when they began the use of wooden benches? If they had Darwin awards back then, well (fill in the blank)

(2) Can’t speak arabic, can’t understand a word being said, they’re something about saying en’shallah that is much more acceptable to me than “Praise the lord” or “God is Great”. Try it out, seriously much cooler sounding. Why did the Christians get rid of Latin, didn’t they know people would actually start to pay attention to what’s being said and say wait a minute. Knowing is half the battle, the other half is well dealing with all the crap that comes up from everyone knowing.

(3) The fast food of the religion industry, 15 minutes in and out, no Pastor Bob telling you about how to live your life, no more sermons, god I hate the Corinthians.

(4) And if I had been religious, why would I go talk to the Priest about an issue, who consults the Bishop about issues, who then consults the Archbishop who consults the Cardinal who then consults the Pope, who then consults God. If there is one thing I am pretty certain of if God exists, he is not a bureaucrat. Therefore I deduce that Catholicism is well wrong and a religion such as Islam where you talk to straight to the man/woman/thing/entity seems to be going the right way.

So in hindsight, I realize that I have told you all the wonderful things about Islam from an anti-christian standpoint. But it really is a wonderful religion on its own, I mean I’m all for virgins.

Friday, October 14, 2005

New Music - Focus

This was written by my compadre, Detroit rock kid Jeff Grey. I added a number of guitars, backing vocals and other atmospheric elements. Regardless, like his lyrical style on this and how smooth it is.

Belittle the middle man
Been known to be willing and
nestled within this can
Bewiddled and turned to stone
Chilling me to the bone
Can't ignore the undertones
Alone and within this home
a place to pretend we roam

the fierce will arrive and carve
a focus for all to start believing
we'll make it out, so hang on and let it out

The middle man's turned to stone
the battle is something fierce
the fearfuls within his reach
the truth in his eyes can teach
the life that exists below
the people who've given in
the world is not ready for
to see what it's sitting in

the fierce will arrive and carve
a focus for all to start believing
we'll make it out, so hang on and let it out

the truth can be soothing for
the fearless and tearing eyes
the life thats behind the lies
the lines that allow the lies

the fierce will arrive and carve
a focus for all to start believing
we'll make it out, so hang on and let it out

Thursday, October 13, 2005

A Six is a Six is a Six

“You will be .00000000000006 less significant tomorrow.”

Such a hard number to define really, so incredibly small, 1/10th of an atom small. Yet who wants to lose a six off themselves whether it's after 9 or 2 decimal places. As my father told me once while describing numbers, "A six is a six is a six." But add up all these sixes over the last 100 years and then things start to look a little more sobering.

At this very moment you are 75% less important than your Great Great Grandmother. I don't care what she did for a living. She could have milked cows. She could have had a knack for knitting. And you, you could be the president of a small country in Africa, the US president or student body president of a tiny prep school in Maryland. All the same, you are 75% less important than your dairy queen, quilter of a great great grandmother.


Your probably used to lines like this by now, your always at the bottom end. The story of your downward spiral, from seventh grade on you lost your style. But the line, it's sweet tasting, the sixes lost of mine. Such a nice thought, charting your own demise.

1/World Population = Individual Significance

I mean back in the old days let's say 10,000 years ago there were only around 2 to 4 million people, each person played a more significant role, and one person dying meant one less person to forage. When was the last time you did life sustaining things like foraging. I think I picked berries once when I was five.

With humans more expendable nowadays, what significant things do we end up doing. Pet Walking for one. We spend our time filling parks with more shit for me to step on.

So, welcome to a world of dark humor and cruel jokes, where our increasing intelligence is awakening us to our own irrelevance. And our response is quite humorous, really, a scene out of a Coen brothers film. A photo op for the local newspaper, an award at an awards ceremony for worst film of the year, the 3rd grade long jump champion and if you’re really lucky, airtime with Oprah.

So where to go with this absolutely pointless, but scientifically sound waste of time, also called a blog post? Go to the gym tonight or tomorrow, go be a sculptor, go be a floral designer, go work those asinine jobs that make everyone else laugh. Why? Because you can. And while you sip your latte and your client is deciding between the pink chaise or the zebra print chaise (both awful choices by the way), thank your life of decreasing significance for it all.

And send me a postcard. Go to Sweden, fuck some cows. But just remember that your dreams will come true because increasingly no one gives a shit about you.

Wednesday, October 12, 2005

New Music - Trash Can

Now if I can get a good drummer, instead of my version of electronic drums 101.

So here's your story
you fall somewhere between the grains of history
just two years is all it takes to go from loving the world to leaving it again

Tone deaf and drunk
looking for another bar to be at
Another person, another story
boring from the stat
Another coincidence of broken hearts,
you drank a little too much

They are toxic, they are toxic, cause they are toxic

Another six o'clock sunrise before you can shut your blinds
I'm ok with the bottle and the drain

For convenience sake and love he props up against the door
another lonely man embrace, another doorway whore

madmen exit,
madmen enter

the journey man and the trash can sand
sitting two by two
your day will be soon, soon, soon

The birds keep pecking at the ground
and like them you can't keep from getting down
the turpentining mind to reveal the real deal and the clever rhyme

They are toxic

Waves crashing through people crashing through you
Waves crashing through people crashing through you

alphabet exit strategy
another exit strategy
another exit strategy
another exit strategy
another exit strategy
another exit strategy
another exit strategy

Saturday, October 08, 2005

The Idyllwild Sky - Stories of Serial Killers, Suicides and this Mountain Sanctuary

Idyllwild is the prettiest little town you wish never existed. You know that kind of town, with that kind of cabin, no policemen and a hospital an hour away. Pile on a blizzard, impassable roads and that demented serial killer rabbit and then you’re either in a impromptu B-movie sequel of “The Shining” or more likely you’ve lived in the city for way too long.

“It was over the summer,” Blaine said. She had been an instructor at an outdoor science school in the area. “We were hiking up to Tahquitz and were camped out.” “The kids were looking for firewood and the next thing I know a bunch of them suddenly came back with a fleshy gelatinous mound. Then they led us over to the full sized silicone doll which was completely dismembered. So naturally we wanted to know why it was ripped apart and who would have brought it up here. It was hard to explain to the kids. We never did find out who or why.” Another unexplainable story in a town that’s filled with unsolved mysteries and unanswered questions. This is a Halloween town, with the winter time fog shroud and voices whispering in the wind.

A mile high and nineteen miles removed from Hemet in one direction and a mile high and thirty five miles from Palm Springs in the other direction, Idyllwild is a small arty enclave which is as close to Southern California comes to Norman Rockwell perfection. When you arrive it seems to magically appear like a moment straight out of a David Copperfield sketch. The streets are lined with art galleries and shops, a favorite spot for 60’s hippies to escape to and make a living on selling you their hand made trinkets and crafts. It all seems a bit much, and you can’t help but think, “Who buys this crap,” but I haven’t come to shop for dream catchers. Today I’m shopping for stories.

It’s Saturday night in paradise and there are a pair of drunks straggling outside the melting pot of the rag-tag, a drinking hole in the heart of town called Joann’s. Inside sits “Tuxedo Tom” famous for his butchered atonal versions of Frank Sinatra tunes. The microphone is pressed to his awkward lips as he sings “New York, New York.” He is half breathing, half singing, half grunting, one half more than a whole. Bald and in is 50’s he has a knack for costumes and multiple personality disorders. He’s a little slow on the draw with a genetic mental flaw. But he’s still proud and thinks he owns this town. “Have you ever seen him in that California Highway Patrol costume, makes you feel safer doesn’t it” someone told me once. “Stories?” he says to me. “I’ve got stories but its going to cost you.” His eyes wander over to the red head a few seats away.

At times you’d swear she’s anorexic not just of the body, but also of the mind. Her penchant for changing hair colors daily is peculiar. Her penchant for changing her attire weekly even more so. At once she is kid who wears Goth black, free love and bell bottoms, a fashion icon for an unfashionable town. She’s not pretty with her braces and acne scars, but she also not a simple ditty. She is an independent, a loner and you can’t help but believe she knows more than just the name of every man in town. “Stories?” she says to me with a smile sly and insecure. “I like to play soccer.”

Paulo has played soccer with the red head before. He’s good with his feet and that’s not all I hear. But Paulo is a soft spoken man of medium build, small stature and slowly built suffering. He owns the liquor store just down the block from Joann’s. He came from Puerto Rico almost two years ago. “Why did you come to Idyllwild?” I asked him. “I don’t know, I guess this is just where I ended up.” He has a young attractive face, but his stares are often vacant like a dead man’s glare. His wife and daughter died in a car accident a few years back in Puerto Rico and he headed to the States to escape the sadness and try to start anew. “Are you going to stay here for long?” I ask him. “No, no, there’s nothing going on in this town and I miss the island.” “Do you ever hear any unusual stories?,” I ask. “Oh yeh,” he says. “Like what?” I ask.

They found his tent off of Saunders Meadow on the property of an outdoor science school. Inside his tent they found “How to Gut Small Animals” and biographies of several serial killers. Apparently he’d been camping out on the property for several weeks. People saw him walking dazed along the roads with his long nappy hair and a backpack that had seen better days. His consistent muttering and admonition to the sidewalk made one pause. And those scared and tired eyes were hard to mistake as anything but psychotic. The town had been trying to kick him out for months, but since when was walking through town a crime. Suddenly intrigued by the plethora of small animals, also known as children at a nearby school, he decided to relocate to school property. Luckily the policemen found him before the little kiddies did.

They call him Moose. Moose doesn’t drink and rarely goes out. A bushy beard Santa Claus who’s been living in the bush for a bit too long. He stands almost 6’5 and weighs in at well over 200 pounds. This monster of a mountain man has an eagle eye and a knack for making jalapeno bread. He’s quiet and his sense of humor is slightly estranged from what we would call normal. “Do you have any strange stories,” I ask him. He thinks for a moment. “Did you hear about that guy at Aroma’s?”

At the Aroma Café you can hear the music of love sung by new owner and resident Rico Suave, Mr. Opera Jay. You can certainly imagine a married woman, a weekend trip away from the husband and kids listening to Jay and his operatic tenor. Aroma was sold only a few months back. The previous owner was suspicious and gigantic. A gigantic man with a gigantic appetite for women and amphetamines. As rumor has it he was the center of Idyllwild’s small, but thriving drug ring. I ask Jay for some information, but he offers me little. “Oh, he died a few months back,” he says. “Don’t you like the new café?”

Johnnie’s sense of humor has been called unique. He likes to play with his collection of grenades, unused and loaded. When his finger is on the pin, he gets a thrill. Most others aren’t quite as fascinated. His friends say Johnny gives them a better sense of themselves. Everyone else tells you, “Oh, Johnny, he’s fucking nuts..” He will regale you with tales of rock climbing glory. He will tell you how he made it into Climbing magazine and how they have a route on Suicide Rock named after him. He was one of the first to climb it. “Do you know why it’s called Suicide Rock,” he asks.

His website has his picture on it and the dates January 24th, 1974 – October 1st, 2002 written beneath. Brian had come up the mountain to work and had stayed with his girlfriend. By all aspects he was a good kid with a troubled mind. Things went awry when his girlfriend and him started breaking up once a week and he was laid off from his job. It was September 30th and no one had hear from him since he borrowed his friends truck days before. The first sign of worry was left on his ex-girlfriends desk. It came in the form of an angry note and shotgun shells strategically placed close by. His friends and family were frantically searching, but this was a big stretch of mountain and not hard to hide out for a little while. When it hit 12:01 on October 1st you wondered if at that moment he was still dead or alive. They could only hope. Three days later the van was spotted up by Tahquitz and soon thereafter he was found without a head and a shotgun nearby.

Convicts, con-men and crank heads. The down home, down on their luck and dirty harry's. An honest smile, the hippy in denial and the occasionally ornery outsider. The pushy tourists, the pushy bikers and the locals, with the thousand yard stare and fist clenched anticipation for that snotty hot shot from LA. Sounds like the Wild West and in many ways while the West was won, Idyllwild was left a mile high and untouched. This town can be rough around the edges, but the edges most will see, unless you look real hard, are as smooth as can be. In this town you can rarely separate myth from reality and the good from the evil. In this town there is no such thing as truth. The festering and simmering underside to this small town skin; an infected blister filled to the brim waiting to be popped. But for all the things that will scare you away, you can’t help but love the place and the pace and the eccentric odd bunch that will keep you coming back for more.

The Rushdie Complex

Mr. Rushdie
a small man, serious balding and with a unrepentant cold. Only in Academia would you pay $35 to see an hour long conversation with a guy this ugly. I think he needs to work on getting some stage nymphs or at the very least to free our minds of the line between beauty and not beauty, some free beer. Luckily I forgot my glasses, so most of the time this powerful voice, this wanted man, this apparently dangerous soul just appeared as an undistinguished blob in the distance. A weak man tonight, balding with a runny nose, a tissue in his right hand and his age beginning to show.

He read from his new book, Shalimar the Clown, quite beautifully I might add. Sounds wonderful really, I highly recommend what I heard from it.

He was asked a question about the hodge podge of cultures he grew up around while in India, then in London and now in LA and what it has done for his use of language. He responded quickly with, “Well, LA hasn't done like a thing for my English." A chuckle.
So true, a little sun and surf and then slow down and then words begin to slur and then dude….

When asked what he thought of muslim revert, Cat Stevens aka Yusuf Islam at one point he said “He’s an asshole.” Cat Stevens said in a British television program back in the time of Satanic Verses that rather than go to a demonstration to burn an effigy of Rushdie, "I would have hoped that it'd be the real thing.”

Recently asked my Muslim guide, the syrian with a beard what he thought of the call to kill Rushdie back in ’89. He said “no, no, no, that was a bad idea.” ….in the back of my head, “see what are they talking about extremism, hah.” …he interrupts my thought, “I would have made it much more quiet, waited for him outside his place, there’s really no need for a fatwa to accomplish that.”

Islam 1 Me 0.

blog virgin

Well, where to begin. I'm a third Irish, a third Canadian and a third American. I'm half Catholic, half Muslim and thinking of becoming half Jewish. I can't help it really, I don't like to leave anyone out. A chameleon perhaps or just along for the ride. Anyhow, i have a penchant for paraphrasing and stereotypes, like a john wayne movie. Sometimes on those days when I walk outside into my groundhog day existence, you know that southern california one, where day 1 equals day 365, where a cloud is a change. Well sometimes when I walk out there I think somethings going to change. Like the guy down the street, he's going to keel over, massive heart attack and I'll have to run to the rescue, I'm craving a messiah complex, where my day doesn't involve passing by people unnoticed. Where I don't look at everyone that passes by as an enemy until proven otherwise.

And I look forward to the silence, the silence that makes your ears ring and ring and ring your first night back upstate. no ear junkie treats for you city boy, deafening, uncomfortable, but home. No crying babies and their alarmed mothers, babies fucking cry and sometimes it doesn't mean a god damn thing. I'm awaiting a mouth, a voice coming from that mouth through silence, that is so fucking true, that is so real, where every word that comes out isn't trained by a cell phone or a dog, the one with the wagging tail, that speaks beautiful words that begin with something like "Trash" or "Bourdeaux", unadulterated, raw and unflitered. Words so dirty, so classy they can't help but be heard cleanly. Maybe I'm just awaiting love in the form of a hepburn with a stache, a light parisian/sicilian mix.

, until then, being smothered in the words of thousands of self-indulgent bloggers I think is slightly satisfying, there is no better place for anonymity, in a world without silence, you can't be quiet for too long without people finding you a bit peculiar.