Wednesday, October 26, 2005

New Music - Wash over my Soul

Here's my first new one in a while. There are fifteen new songs that I will be putting on here one at a time every few days. Finally, steering away from singer-songwriter stuff, which I am having fun with. All the songs posted are not complete by any means, will be re-mixed and perhaps things added and taken away, new live drums to the songs, rather than electronic ones, etc. This is just to give you an idea...

They're all waiting in a holding pattern
waiting for that one entrance that matter, that matters
will you wash over my soul dear

another country singer, singing his country songs
something about the family
something about his history of abusing women
that's alright, cause he's

just got a little social malfunction,
he's just a little maladjusted in his tweeds and his cowboy hat

another punk rocker singing anarchy and denial,
something about his anarchy, something about his history
of losing interest in the world

and the darklands are coming through your heart
your falling to pieces honey
and the darklands attacking, and the chemicals subtracting you
it's time to battle back, against your transient attacks
it's time to battle back

Being muslim

As a non-religious, secular soul I have always looked for four things in a religion, one is comfort, the second make it as unintelligible as possible, third make it fast and fourth if I’ve gone to the trouble of showing up at a mosque, synagogue, church, hippie commune, schoolboard meeting or really any place that involves large groups of people I don’t have time for the middle man


(1) Carpeted floors, most other religions got it wrong when they decided civilizing your society meant introducing painful wooden benches to pray on. Maybe the Puritans were onto something with no pain, no gain, but this certainly is not the time to prove the point. Doesn’t exactly encourage the best discussion with God, if your thinking, fuck this hurts. Does anyone know who began and when they began the use of wooden benches? If they had Darwin awards back then, well (fill in the blank)

(2) Can’t speak arabic, can’t understand a word being said, they’re something about saying en’shallah that is much more acceptable to me than “Praise the lord” or “God is Great”. Try it out, seriously much cooler sounding. Why did the Christians get rid of Latin, didn’t they know people would actually start to pay attention to what’s being said and say wait a minute. Knowing is half the battle, the other half is well dealing with all the crap that comes up from everyone knowing.

(3) The fast food of the religion industry, 15 minutes in and out, no Pastor Bob telling you about how to live your life, no more sermons, god I hate the Corinthians.

(4) And if I had been religious, why would I go talk to the Priest about an issue, who consults the Bishop about issues, who then consults the Archbishop who consults the Cardinal who then consults the Pope, who then consults God. If there is one thing I am pretty certain of if God exists, he is not a bureaucrat. Therefore I deduce that Catholicism is well wrong and a religion such as Islam where you talk to straight to the man/woman/thing/entity seems to be going the right way.

So in hindsight, I realize that I have told you all the wonderful things about Islam from an anti-christian standpoint. But it really is a wonderful religion on its own, I mean I’m all for virgins.